10:00am-4:00pm, Saturday 9th February 2019
A day conference for post-graduates on well-being and mental health.
The day is open to all faiths and none: the morning session focuses on university and NHS provision regardless of any faith commitment; the afternoon session explores the issues from a Christian perspective. You can come for part or all of the day.
Alan Percy, Head of University Counselling Service
Pete Mandeville, Executive Officer, Student Welfare
Daniel Maughan, Consultant Psychiatrist, Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust
Rev Mia Smith, Chaplain, Hertford College
Dr Jennifer Brickman, Clinical Psychologist
Shaun Lambert, Baptist minister and author, ‘A Study in Christian Mindfullness’
10:00 am Registration and coffee
10:30-12.45 University and NHS support
Facing procrastination, isolation, and perfectionism; information about university counselling provision; approaching difficulties in supervisor-student relationships; perspectives on clinical mental health care in Oxford; opportunities for Q&A
12:45-1.45 Lunch
1:45-4:00 pm Christian wisdom and reflection
Mindfulness in Christian perspective; a workshop on perfectionism; panel discussion and questions; closing act of worship
Though designed for postgraduate students, the conference is open to anyone with an interest in mental health.
Please register online here