The Oxford Pastorate is a Christian charity, an historic Anglican chaplaincy that has been serving Oxford University students since 1893. We now focus on the remarkable postgraduate and research community. Our work encompasses welcome and pastoral care, and conversations around the big questions of life and faith. We also conduct academic research, including projects centred on character, leadership, and the common good.
Meet with a chaplain to ask questions of faith and academic life or to think about your vocation and next steps.
+-Join our academic seminars, film events, reading groups and more. Each event focuses on exploring a key cultural question related to human flourishing.
We offer year-long formation programmes for Christian postgrads and postdocs seeking to grow in faith, leadership and service.
Each academic year we work with partner churches and organisations to coordinate a programme of welcome for postgraduates new to Oxford.
Welcome Dinner 11th October 2024
+-Sign up for this year's welcome dinner joining 250 others new to Oxford!