Punt for the Pastorate is back!
2:00pm-4:00pm, Sunday 27th April 2025
Our much anticipated fundraiser has been rescheduled to SUNDAY 27th April 2025. We look forward to welcoming supporters of the Pastorate and their families on the day to cheer on the teams. You are warmly invited to support us by:
1. Sponsoring a punt - choose the team you'd like to win from 1. The Academics, 2. The Students or 3. The Alumni/Staff by clicking on the circle on this page.
2. Coming along on the day from 2-4pm for free tea and scones, and paper boat-making for children by the riverside.
We'll meet at the Rose Lane entrance to Christ Church Meadow at 2.00pm and gather to watch from the nearest bankside location (labelled 'The Watcher Tree' on Googlemaps)
The winning team will be presented with the coveted Oxford Pastorate Prize Cup!
Sign up here if you plan to come along on the day so we know how many scones to bake!